20'x20' Booth
x4 Banner Stand
x4 Reception Desk
x1 Canopy
x4 LED LightsWe accept the follow file types:
Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf)
Adobe Illustrator (*.ai)
TIFF image (*.tiff)
All final print-ready graphic files must be flattened to a single layer and built at 150 DPI in CMYK mode with all guidelines and template layers removed. It is best to embed all images and outline all text to ensure that nothing will drop out or change during file transfer.
If color match is required, please provide the PMS color number. Please note that we cannot guarantee an exact PMS color match as each material displays colors differently. We will work to match the colors as closely as possible. We can only match 100% solid Pantone colors from the Pantone FORMULA GUIDE Solid-Coated. We do not match any type of gradient, images or a percentage of a Pantone color. If the artwork is not built with Pantone color, we will respectfully either ask that you waive matching or you resubmit the artwork that's been corrected wit the Pantone color you would like to match. $25 for each hard proof.